Welcome Aboard!

Welcome Aboard.

In charting our day-to-day progress and thought processes,
we see many debilitating tendencies that lead toward aging
and stress.   This has become so predominant in society
today that many just consider it normal.  It’s not.

Our personal biological compasses have sunk below the
waves and dropped anchor on the ocean floor.  If you
feel a lack of energy, tire easily, feel depressed, have
trouble focusing and want to look younger, feel brighter
and more buoyant, Somalogy is for you.


Read what happens in a treatment:

Somalogy practitioners use a hands-on technique for
“re-structuring” the body according to your desires.
You then, travel with this new body becoming the
person you desire to be.  Somalogists use scientifically
measured exercises in training you through a visual,
written and verbal process to assist you toward
your destination.


If today you feel like a lifeboat,

in as little as a few Somalogy sessions,

you should sail like a yacht.


“Problems in the neck, back, shoulders, hips, knees, legs and even
in one’s posture can improve as a result of Tyr Throne’s work.
A younger, freer, more flexible and energetic livelihood can
be almost instantly obtained through these techniques.”

Heike Hermann, MD


What has happen to our sense of ease?

What happened to our dignity?

Where has our privilege of youth and ability to sail free gone?

How do we regain our buoyancy to travel with posture and grace?


Contact Us:


You can also contact me via:

Phone :
212 253 2575 (Office)
Mail  :
Tyr Throne’s Evolutionary Foundation
338 East 15th Street, #7B
New York, NY 10003

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